‘In the orbit of perception and limitation. These flickering forms, a play of light and obscurity, represent the reality we perceive—a mere reflection of deeper truths. As captives of our perceptions, we often mistake the illusions for the entirety of reality. Yet, beyond the cave’s confines lies the elusive domain of ‘truth’, awaiting those who dare to venture beyond the shadows and embrace the blinding light of enlightenment. In the interplay of shadows and reality, where one must transcend the comfortable illusions to grasp the profound realities that lie beyond’

Inner outlook 2021 | Magazine paper between glasses.

Inner outlook 2021 | Magazine paper between glasses.

Inner outlook 2021 | Magazine paper between glasses.

outlook tower 2021 | Magazine paper between glasses.

outlook tower 2021 | Magazine paper between glasses.

Inner outlook 2021 | Magazine paper between glasses.